"Publish. And be damned. "
- Lord Wellington

Chateau Plonque's ASUS eee-900 webserver

You are now browsing our domain:       elgin.link !

Hi, folks! Here I am!
Your faithful old ASUS eee-900 webserver.
I may be 20+ years old and have only a 18 GB "hard drive", but I can still serve up a webpage of my picture here. Even if my upload speed to a geostationary satellite 38,000 KM away is only 1.5 mbs.
Nov/2023 UPDATE!
After 23 YEARS, I have finally managed to be hooked up to a fiber-optic line! My upload speed is now ~50mbs! How do I look?

Showing Current outdoor temperature at Chateau Plonque.
Temperature in Celsius:
LETS GO! 113 lines in file - slowly developing....

(under development)
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2024-04-25 01:33:05 - UTC Time as rendered by PHP.

Hey! We got PHP running on the little eee. Maria, you're next!
#### index.php modified on March 31 2024 22:18:05.####

"Buffy here. Hey, you're now at the bottom of this web-page!"<<==---